Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 9/12/12

Approved on 10/3/12

Sharon Community Center

Filmed by SCTV


Planning Board Attendees

Eli Hauser, Chair - absent

Anne Bingham

Rob Maidman, Clerk

Pat Pannone - absent

David Milowe, Vice Chair

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer


Other Attendees

Alice Cheyer

Dr. Ross

Mark Iverson



Chair Report

Vice Chair Milowe called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM and read the Chair’s Report. He passed the letter from Town Counsel to the other members to read regarding the rejection by the Attorney General’s office regarding the Adult Zoning Bylaw.



Mr. Maidman moved to accept the 8/1/12 minutes as written. Ms. Bingham seconded the motion. The Board voted 2-0-1 in favor of approval.


Bella Estates

Mr. O’Cain stated he has spoken with the representatives of Bella Estates regarding the outstanding items and reviewed these items with the Board. He said he has limited powers to force the completion as they have until August of 2013 to complete the project. Mr. O’Cain said that the developer will provide an updated status at the 10/3 meeting.


Public Hearing Cattail Lane

Ms. Bingham read the legal ad for Cattail Lane and the public hearing was called to order. Mr. O’Cain reviewed a map showing the street to be accepted. He explained that the Board of Selectmen and Planning Board have to approve the road and then it must be approved at Town Meeting.  He said that the Selectmen have approved the taking of the road, until then the land is in the hands of the developer. He said there are no outstanding issues. There is sloped granite, bituminous sidewalks and the cul de sac island has been landscaped.


Ms. Bingham moved to accept Cattail Lane and to recommend to Town Meeting for a Town Meeting vote as well as sign off on the as built plan. Mr. Maidman seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-0 in favor of approval.


Mr. Maidman moved to close the public hearing and Ms. Bingham seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-0 in favor of closing the public hearing.


Handicap ramp request for 23 Pond Street

Mr. O’Cain explained that Dr. Ross would like to install a handicap ramp at his office located at 23 Pond Street. He also stated that the building inspector is responsible to approve the safety of the ramp as well as ensuring the ADA regulations are adhered to.


The Board is responsible for the aesthetics. Dr. Ross wants the ramp on site. It will have an L shape, and he will add a garden. He is using high quality materials which will approve the aesthetic appearance.


Mr. Maidman moved to accept the coloration and style of the ramp at 23 Pond Street with the white rail and brownstone colored decking.  Ms. Bingham seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-0 in favor of the motion.


Fall Town Meeting Articles

The Board discussed the proposed Special Town Meeting Articles including:


1) Outdoor Advertising,

2) Change of Special Permit Granting Authority ion Business District A and Business District C from the Zoning Board of Appeals to the Planning Board,

3) Acceptance of Cattail Lane

4) Adult Zoning Bylaw and

5) A renumbering and Scribner error article.


Ms. Levitts will contact Attorney Whelan to get clarification for the Board regarding the next steps as related to the Adult Zoning By-law.



Ms. Bingham moved to adjourn at 8:25 PM. Mr. Maidman seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-0 to adjourn.


